Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder Halle (Saale) e.V.
Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder Halle (Saale) e.V.

30th anniversary of the association on May 26, 2021

Due to the current situation, our planned festive event on 26.05.2021 must unfortunately be cancelled. We ask for your understanding and wish you perseverance, confidence and above all health!

Dear children, dear families, dear friends and supporters, dear employees of the Children's Planet,

For 30 years, the Association for the Promotion of Children with Cancer Halle (Saale) e.V. has been supporting families with children, adolescents and young adults suffering from cancer.

Today we say thank you! We thank all our families, who have to face the daily challenges again and again with their incredible strength and courage. Our patients are the heroes. They fight every day and accomplish tremendous things.

The strength of the entire family is incredibly important, each individual contributes, whether it's mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa or even friend and neighbor - you all matter. You help keep family life balanced and hopeful. We are incredibly proud and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts: "Keep up the good work! We are here for you when you need us - when it all gets too much."

Another thank you goes out to our loyal supporters of the association. It is with your help as a donor, sponsor, member or volunteer that our important work can be done at all.

You make our diverse, individual and flexible support possible. This ranges from counseling, material assistance, child care to overnight accommodations. We organize children's afternoons, sibling meetings and family outings. Visits to the cinema and zoo, carnival, Halloween and birthday parties as well as Christmas parties and Christmas Eve presents are held on the children's oncology ward. We have been able to provide financial assistance to families who have experienced economic hardship as a result of their child's illness. We fulfilled the last wishes of children whose lives were shortened by their illness.

All this was and is only possible because of you as supporters. For this, we would like to express our special thanks to all of you, also on behalf of all the children.

We would like to thank the doctors, nurses and the psychosocial team of the pediatric oncology ward of the University Hospital Halle (Saale). They all make sure that the families feel comfortable on the ward, take care of the health of the small and large patients and always have an open ear for all worries and needs. It is a wonderful cooperation between the association and the clinic and we are pleased that we can work together so closely and in such an uncomplicated way. Stay as engaged, funny and open! Thank you very much!

Many thanks to the board of the association! Who volunteer their time and actively work on the association's goals in their spare time. Many thanks for the many long years with countless decisions and the courageous views on the essential things.

Our thanks also go to our employees, because what would we be without them. The daily work on the ward and in the clubhouse would not be possible. The individual perception and support of the families can only be achieved by the multi-professional team. Thank you for the creative and passionate work in the team.

Your Andreas Domaske,
Chairman of the Board


